Sunday in Maine

January 5

The weather changed dramatically.

We went from zero and below on Saturday to above freezing by the time we went home from church.

1For church I used the Bible in my Nook, as well as the brand new stylus I bought at Wal-mart on Saturday.

I think it is easier to use a real Bible, but it was fun to learn to highlight and take notes with the Nook as I listened to the Sunday school teacher and preacher.

After worship we had a delicious meal in the basement with most of the others who were at church – before going home to a relaxing afternoon.

DSC_3184The grandchildren wanted to play Dutch Blitz.

DSC_3188Any wise grandma should not play this high-speed game with grandchildren! 🙂

DSC_3193We played some other games and relaxed until supper, then some of the family went to the evening hymn sing. Diane, Lydia, and I decided to stay home – for various reasons.

Lydia had a cold and knew that she could not sing.

I can’t carry a tune with our without a cold 🙂 and Diane decided to stay home with us.

I can’t believe our six days in Maine have come to an end, and we must pack up and head home in the morning.